
Millennium Youth CampMYC Profiles - Apr 22, 2014

Team Food Science & Food Technology 2014

“I want to help solve one of the most significant challenges we face today: continuing scientific and technological development while taking sustainability into account,” says Jesse Justino Candido from Brazil. The other members of team Food Science and Food Technology come from Albania, Argentina, Czech Republic, Estonia and Finland.

Food packaging: waste or a necessary protection? In 2014 the project of the Food Science team will focus on the importance and technological innovations of efficient, safe and sustainable food packaging. They will also be considering solutions to reducing and reusing waste from food packaging.

Here are the members of the Food Science & Food Technology team:

Andia Kozmai, Albania

“I think the scientific subjects have just a sparkle more than the others. What I mean is that they make you and your imagination enter another world, which is attractive, interesting and sometimes hard to understand,” says 16-year-old Andia Kozmai from Albania.

At the moment she is attending Turgut Ozal High School in Tirana and loves art, cooking and making friends. “I like drawing and painting, sports – like basketball and tennis, music, dancing and movies. I enjoy meeting new people and spending time with friends.”

Science has fascinated her since childhood. “I appreciate all the teachers that have decided to share science with the kids and have never got tired of explaining.”

She applied to the International Millennium Youth Camp out of curiosity and to challenge herself with something new. She wants to do her best at the camp and would like to see the best from her fellow team mates as well. “I expect to see some really good scientific projects.”

Francisco José Marin, Argentina

“What I am looking forward to the most is to work with my partners in the Food Team. I am sure I will learn a lot,” says 18-year-old Francisco José Marin from Argentina.

He has always been curious about finding out how things work, so after high school he will focus on obtaining a technician’s degree in electromechanics. He likes to keep up by reading and watching videos about scientific discoveries and innovations online. Currently Francisco is eagerly preparing for a pre-engineering course as well as German language studies.

A friend told him about the Millennium Youth Camp. “Back then I was looking for exchange programs to study abroad, I thought MYC was a lifetime opportunity for me so I immediately applied,” he says.

At the camp he hopes to meet people from different cultures and to make the most of his time in Finland. “I am looking forward to the most is to work with my partners in the Food Team. I am sure I will learn a lot.”

Dominika Bredová, Czech Republic

“I admire anyone who tries to think differently and the one who tries to invent something new,” says Dominika Bredová from the Czech Republic.

Dominika is a 17-year-old high school student, who dreams of entering a prestigious university in the United States. Music fills her leisure time: “I like listening to music, singing and dancing. These days I’m taking classical dance lessons,” she says.

She found out about the Millennium Youth Camp from her biology teacher and thinks the camp is a great opportunity. Hoping to make lasting friendships at the camp, she expects to enjoy getting to know people from all over the world.

Gerli Krjukov, Estonia

”In science I’m currently interested in food technology, nutrition, how food affects us and how combining different foods affects our body. In general, I’m passionate about life itself, testing myself and exploring new countries and cultures,” says 17-year-old Gerli Krjukov from Estonia.

Gerli studies in Tallinn Secondary Science School. Her favorite free-time hobbies include sports and photography. “In my free time I like to do a lot of sports: tennis, running, salsa etc. Other than that I’m also passionate about photography, travelling and learning new things.”

She has been taking part in biology Olympiads since middle school. Attending the Olympiads “has taught me that the more you learn, the less you know,” she says.

In the future she wants to experience new things, meet inspiring people and to build a useful and satisfying career. For the Millennium Youth Camp, her hopes are high. “I’m hoping to meet a lot of new people and figure out what I want to study in the future.”

Noora Raipale, Finland

“At the moment, I am very curious how different substances and foods affect us both physically and psychologically,” says Noora Raipale from Finland.

She’s currently a student in the Vaskivuori Upper Secondary School and is enthusiastic about physics and nutritional sciences. “I like to explore and consider how phenomena work. It is a great feeling in physics and chemistry classes when you understand why some phenomena work the way they work. Each lesson you learn something new.”

For her, sports and music are a personal lifestyle. “I really like different kind of sports. I like to run and work out in the gym, and I go everywhere by bike! I also like music, I have played the piano since the age of 7.”

She feels sure that the Millennium Youth Camp will be an amazing experience. “I look forward to work together on the project with my own group members, who have the same strong passion towards science. I believe, that we will create something really amazing! Perhaps the best thing about the camp is that the camp is international and we get to see and learn about many different cultures, which is really cool!”

Jesse Justino Candido, Brazil

“I expect to visit amazing places, meet awesome people, have fun, share ideas with other teenagers, and strengthen my love for science,” says 17-year-old Jesse Justino Candido from Brazil.

Jesse graduated from high school in December and is thinking of studying either physics, biology, economics or engineering. He enjoys gaming, star-gazing and science fiction among other things.

“I sing country music in the shower, and I enjoy spending hours outside looking at the stars. Astronomy is my hobby, and I really like superheroes. I believe that pizza tastes better if eaten cold the next day. I enjoy visiting places I’ve never been before, and I bake the best “brigadeiro” (a Brazilian chocolate bonbon) I’ve ever eaten. I believe there is a right way to hang toilet paper, and I hold that stereotypes shouldn’t exist: I’m Brazilian, but I don’t play soccer nor do I know how to samba at Carnival.”

Jesse finds all fields of science fascinating. His dream is to become a researcher who would be able to explore and discover nature and the universe.

He is coming to the Millennium Youth Camp with an open mind, looking forward to interacting and collaborating with his fellow campers as well as learning new things.

“We cannot continue to rampantly consume natural resources and pollute the environment with no limitations. We need to pursue harmony with the environment by investing in renewable resources and consuming in a more conscious way.”

Maija Pollari is a science journalist whose background is in molecular biology research. She enjoys flamenco dancing, reading, and roleplaying adventures.